Почина Като Шигемитсу Соши (20.11.2013)

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По долго и тешко боледување, на 20 ноември, 2013 година, почина учителот Като Шигемитсу. Тој беше еден од најстарите ученици на покојниот соке Токимуне Такеда и беше заслужен што Хомбу Доџо-то во Абашири продолжи со работа по неговата смрт.

Инаку, сенсеи Шигемитсу беше личен учител на сенсеи Антонино Черта и благодарение на него односно на неговата сугестија и желба, во 2006 година беше создадена организацијата European Daito Kai, со цел да се пренесува знаењето од Даито рју Аикиџуџутсу на начин како што отсекогаш се вежбало во кланот Аизу / Такеда.

Како директни наследници на неговото учење, сакаме да изразиме сочуство до неговото семејство, а воедно да порачаме дека неговиот лик и дело нема никогаш да бидат заборавени.

За овој тажен настан, сенсеи Черта кажа: „Сега мојот учител повторно вежба со неговиот учител (Токимуне сенсеи). Се додека вежбаме на ист начин како што вежбаа тие, нивните дела ќе живеат вечно“.

The seminar with shihan Antonino Certa held (05.11.2013)

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The only non-Japanese shihan for Daito ryu Aikijujutsu, Antonino Certa,
held a seminar this weekend for the students of Daito ryu Macedonia –
Koryu Dojo.

The event was supported by the Organization for
teaching Japanese martial arts „Taiyou e no Michi“, and a total of nine
of its members participated.

As always, sensei Certa selflessly
shared his knowledge getting into the tiniest details of the katas of
Nikkajo. The participants trained hard all the time and didn`t save
themselves even for a moment.

During the seminar, shihan Certa
officially awarded the diploma for shodan and license for shibu cho to
his representative for Macedonia, Igor Dovezenski.

At the end, we
would like to express a great thanks to our teacher Antonino Certa and
to wish him a good health. We’ll see each other again next year in

„Kenjutsu under the stars of Lipac IV“ seminar held (03.06.2013)

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On the slopes of the legendary mountain Lipac, 0306201305305623r23.jpgthis
weekend the seminar that we organize every year in honor of our teacher
for Daito ryu Aikibudo, shihan Antonino Certa, was held.

this event 12 members of the School for martial arts Taiyou e no Michi
participated, who restlessly practiced the techniques of the Japanese
traditional martial school Ono ha Itto ryu (Takeda den) during the two

On Saturday, six hours, and on Sunday in total of five
hours were trained. If you add the climbing on the mountain during the
two days, then you can freely say that we maintain our combat readiness
and condition successfully.

Unlike the previous years, when we
slept under the open sky, this year we were situated in the quarters of
the beautiful monastery „St. George“.
Apart from the hard training
and the enjoyment in the beautiful and untouched nature of Lipac,
inevitable were the beans in kettle which are always prepared for the
Saturday’s dinner.

After the seminar finished, the host of 03062013053116rtert.jpgthe
monastery offered every year to open the quarters to us for sleepover,
and that offer we gladly accepted with a goal to attract the younger
members who are not yet accustomed to sleep under the open sky to attend
this event.

In the end, all of the participants immediately
announced their attendance the next year, which only speaks for the
quality training and the beauty of this simple martial school which
allures with its simplicity and efficiency.   

Igor Dovezenski – responsible for the development of Daito ryu Aikibudo in South-Eastern Europe (Balkans) (01.03.2013)

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By decree of my Daito ryu Aikibudo teacher,
Shihan Antonino Certa, I (Igor Dovezenski, Shidoin) am authorized to
represent the European Daito Kai organization in the region of
southeastern Europe (ie. the Balkan countries).

I call for
everyone interested who would like to take the 01032013042627sga.jpgresponsibility of
spreading the Daito ryu Aikijujutsu and Ono ha Itto ryu Kenjutsu (Takeda
den) arts in their country, to contact me via my email: daito_macedonia@yahoo.com.

Prioritized are the leaders of clubs that are my personal friends and
have friendly relations with Bujinkan Macedonia. People who are
considered diploma hunters and would prefer overnight success without
hard training, I would ask not to contact me.

The European
Daito Kai has been founded by Antonino Certa at the request of his
teacher Kato Shigemitsu Soshi with the goal of spreading the Daito ryu
Aikijujutsu through the European countries in the same manner they were
taught ages back in the Aizu clan.

Sensei Certa is the only
non-Japanese in the world to earn the title of Shihan, directly from the
Daitokan dojo in the city of Abashiri. He was first accepted as a
student to the last Soke Tokimune Takeda and after his death, he started
training with Kato Shigemitsu Sensei.

This is a great
opportunity to become a part of the history of one of the oldest
Japanese martial arts, also known as the mother of Aikido. Be the one
that will be responsible for organizing the Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu school
in your country and a representative of the European Daito Kai.

Igor Dovezenski
shidoin, Daito ryu Aikibudo
shidoshi, Bujinkan Budo

Daito Ryu “study group” grows into a dojo (11.12.2012)

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During yesterday`s conversation with shihan Antonino Certa, we were
officially informed that our study group becomes a dojo. Sensei Certa,
our teacher for Daito ryu Aikijujutsu and Ono ha Itto ryu Kenjutsu
(Takeda den), on this way rewarded our determination and readiness to
train and nurture the art, same as he himself trained at Tokimune
This happens after the three year membership in his
organization as an associate, respectively the three year test for our
will power and determination. Daito ryu Macedonia – Koryu Dojo, from
this day forward is an equal member with the other dojos in the
organization European Daito Kai.

is interesting, because of his humbleness, today few people know sensei
Certa, although he is one of the greatest masters for traditional
Japanese martial arts in Europe. In 1991, as a master for Aikido, he
leaves for Japan and directly makes for the Hombu dojo in the city
Abashiri, where he becomes a personal student of Tokimune Takeda (36th
soke of Daito ryu). Sensei Certa is the first non-Japanese who was
accepted for a personal student of Tokimune, but also the first and only
non-Japanese who earned the title shihan (master teacher). After the
death of Tokimune Takeda, Antonino Certa keeps training as a personal
student of one of the greatest masters in Abashiri: the shihans Kato,
Sano and Arisawa.
After the suggestion of soshi Kato Shigemitsu,
sensei Certa in 2006 founds the organization European Daito Kai, with
purpose to nurture and transfer the knowledge of Tokimune Takeda to

Sensei Certa devoted all his life to the Japanese
martial arts, and is author of the book: „Daito-ryu Aikibudo, History
and techique“

the end, we thank to sensei Certa for the shown honor, and we are
going to continue with the hard work further on so we can justify his