Intensive Winter seminar for Daito ryu Aikijujutsu

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„Daito ryu Macedonia – Koryu Dojo“, is organizing an Intensive Winter seminar for Daito ryu Aikijujutsu, 24 hours long, that is going to be held during the months of November and December. On this seminar all members from the Organization dedicated to the study of traditional Japanese martial arts „Taiyou e no Michi“ can participate, but also all interested citizens, regardless of their previous experience or style. 

During this event, the participants are going to practice the basic techniques of this old and noble Japanese art, as well as the kata from the level ikkajo (the first set). The methodology of our teacher, shihan Antonino Cherta, is going to be applied, and in a way that he studied the art during his visits in Daitokan (Abashiri, Japan).
The seminar starts on 23rd of November, and will take place every Sunday from 11:00 to 15:00 o’clock. The participants that are going to attend all of the five sessions (total of 20 hours), at the end can take the test for 6th or 5th kyu, depending on their current degree. Everyone that passes successfully, is going to earn a diploma signed directly by the President of the International Daito ryu Assossiation – Antonino Cherta.
Theme: Aikitaiso (Kihon) and Ikkajo
Teacher: Igor Dovezenski, shidoin
Time: 23rd/30th November and 7th/14th/21st December (or five continuous Sundays from 11:00 to 15:00 o’clock). On 28th of December, the participants that have the desire to, can get a free slot of 4 hours, so they can rehearse the kata needed for the exam that will take place at the same day starting at 17:00 o’clock.
Location: Daito ryu Macedonia – Koryu Dojo (Skopje)
Additional information for Daito ryu Aikijujutsu ——>
If you have any questions regarding the intensive seminar, we ask you to contact us on our phone 077 976 906, or write us on our e-mail:

The intensive Daito ryu seminar held

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The past weekend, in the Hombu Dojo of the Organization for the study of traditional Japanese martial arts – Taiyou e no Michi, an intensive weekend seminar was organized under the leadership of Igor Dovezenski (shidoin).

On this seminar kata from the first set of Hiden Mokuroku (ikkajo) were practiced, as well as the standing techniques (tachi ai) from the second set known as Nikkajo. On this event several members of Daito ryu Macedonia – Koryu Dojo participated, and guided by the instructor Dovezenski were training the techniques of this ancient Japanese samurai school restlessly. 
In October, our teacher, shihan Antonino Cherta, is going to visit us again and transmit the kata from the third level, or Sankajo, so this seminar was a good small preparation for the big event that is going to take place soon.

Intensive weekend seminar for Daito ryu in the Hombu Dojo of „Taiyou e no Michi“

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In the Hombu Dojo of the Organization for the study of traditional Japanese martial arts „Taiyou e no Michi“, the next weekend, on 12th and 13th of July, is having an intensive weekend seminar for Daito ryu Aikijujutsu. The subject of this event is the kata from the levels Ikkajo and Nikkajo.

The seminar is going to be led by instructor Igor Dovezenski, the only carrier of the title shidoin for Daito ryu Aikibudo on the Balkan Peninsula, and all interested about this ancient Japanese martial art can participate.
If you have some questions, you can contact us freely via our e-mail.

„Kenjutsu under the stars of Lipac V“ seminar held

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In honor of our teacher for Daito ryu Aikibudo, shihan Antonino Certa, this weekend on the Mountain Lipac we held the seminar „Kenjutsu under the stars of Lipac“, where the members of the Koryu Dojo  learned the techniques of the school Ono ha Itto ryu (Takeda-den).

On the fifth in a row event of this kind, 16 of our members took participation, and the accent was put on several principles and techniques, among them suri age and suri otoshi (kiri otoshi). To recapture the atmosphere better, we will transmit part of the statements of two participants.
Marko Opachikj: „The training was excellent, and yet, on the fifth in a row seminar sensei Dovezenski showed us the three principles of the school. He described them really well, translated them, transmitted them vividly and plainly, he combined them, captured them clearly for us, ‘chewed them’ for us, and all we had to do was train and I think we presented ourselves in our best light.
It was a night to remember. Candlelight dinner, in a warm kitchen, with the most tasty beans, a lot of laughter and happy people. You could feel that all the time in the air.“  
Zoran Todorovski: „This was a training that every one of us wished for. Countless times swords raised, countless cuts, blocks with shinogi, mono-uchi, kisaki, kiai. Training, kuden, training, kuden. Lots of forms, lots of ways and all that until infinity. We slowly unravel the secrets of this kenjustu art, and for a moment we could feel the smell and the taste of koryu. The feeling is like you walk on the path of enlightenment with the purpose to understand the essence of existence.“

Kenjutsu under the stars of Lipac V

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The School of classical Japanese martial arts Daito ryu Macedonia – Koryu Dojo, with the support of the Organization for teaching traditional Japanese martial arts – Taiyou e no Michi, for the fifth time organizes the traditional outdoor seminar, called „Kenjustu under the stars of Lipac V“.

This event is held once a year during the first weekend of June, in honor of our Daito ryu Aikibudo teacher – shihan Antonino Cherta. 

During the two-day seminar, the members of Daito ryu Macedonia and Taiyou e no Michi, are going to practice the techniques of the school Ono ha Itto ryu (Takeda-den). This powerful swordsmanship art, was mandatory for all members of the famous samurai clan Takeda in the past. Due to her simplicity and efficiency, the school was one of the two official kenjutsu arts that were taught by the subjects of the family of the Japanese shoguns of the clan Tokugawa.

The members of our dojo anticipate this event impatiently. During the two-day outdoor training, at the top of the mythical mountain Lipac, the students of all degrees have the opportunity to get to know each other better.

Throughout these days, three trainings will be held, and the evening will be reserved for socializing around the camp fire, accompanied with tasty beans and some beers.

Date: 31st/01st June, 2014 (departure from Skopje at 07.00)

Location: under the stars of the mountain Lipac.

Equipment: sleeping bag, keiko gi, tights, kyahani or tall socks (against ticks), bokuto (spare one is good too), food and water.

For additional information contact us by our phone.

The seminar is open for all, regardless of their style or art.

If You require equipment, inform us on time.

This event is going to be organized regardless of the weather conditions.