In the Skopje dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia, yesterday the instructor Igor Dovezenski held the first seminar for Daito ryu Aikijujutsu for the year 2017.
Right after the end of the seminar, one of the participants shared his impressions on the internet Forum of the Dojo:
“In this past period the interest for the events connected with Daito ryu Aikijujutsu began to grow. The last few seminars left with me a huge impression and i will remember the as one of the best ones.
Before the start of yesterdays event, when i saw that only six of us were present, i thought that this will be just one more training during which we will repeat the techniques that we have previously practiced and we will straighten out the mistakes we make during the practicing of the techniques.
But very quickly i was proved wrong. During the seminar Sensei taught so many new things, and at the same time there was delving and analysis of the same katas. Daito ryu keeps surprising me more and more. The whole seminar looked like a ‘private training’. I will be a bit direct, but i want to tell you that everybody – that wanted to come to the event – but didn’t should feel terrible. I am not sure when Sensei will teach about this level again. I am still under the impression from the seminar and can barely wait for the next one” – Todor Angelosvski